Главная » 2009 » Март » 20 » Дошам.
Terms of relationship - Giargarloniin c’ersh

 БАЖА    baazha /vu/, pl. baazhanash /bu/ husband of wife’s sister

 бЕР    beer /du/, pl. beerash /du/ child, baby

БУО     buo /du/, pl. bai /du/ orphan

бОЖБЕР   buozhbeer /du/, pl. buozhbeerash /du/ boy

b1izh /du/, pl. b1izhash /du/ an illegitimate child ‘bezrodnyi’

c’iina xhalxar stag /vu/, pl. c’iina xhalxar naax /bu/ ‘elder of the kin’

daa /vu/, pl. dai /bu/ father

deeca /ju/, pl. decaar /bu/ child. aunt (father’s sister)

deestie /ju/, pl. deestiesh /bu/ step-mother, liter. father’s wife

deexuo /vu/, pl. deexwoi /bu/ father’s relative

emgar /ju/, pl. emgarsh /bu/ my husband’s other (second, third) wife

gaaki /du/, pl. gaakish /du/ baby

jisanzuda /ju/, pl. bisanzudarii /bu/ widow

jitanzuda /ju/, pl. bitanzudarii /bu/ divorced, divorce

jisha /ju/, pl. jizharii /bu/ sister

jishiijwo1 /ju/, pl. jishiijwo1arii /bu/, jishiimexkarii /bu/

also jishiizudbeerash /du/ nephew liter. sister’s daughter

jishiikhant /vu/, pl. jishiikhentii /bu/ nephew, liter. sister’s son

jishiivwo1 /vu/, pl. jishiivwo1arii // jishiiqhwengii /bu/ nephew, liter. sister’s son

jwoxhtar /ju/, pl. bwoxhtarsh /bu/ ‘f third cousin’

jwo1 /ju/, pl. mexkarii /bu/ girl, daughter

khant /vu/, pl. khentii /bu/ boy, son

khentakhant /vu/, pl. khentakhentii /bu/ nephew, liter. son’s son

khentajwo1 /ju/, pl. khentajwo1arii /bu/,

khentamexkarii /bu/ nephew, liter. son’s daughter

khentavwo1 /vu/, pl. khentavwo1arii /bu/,

khentaqhwengii /bu/ nephew, liter. son’s son

maar /vu/, pl. maarwosh /bu/ husband

maarnaana /ju/, pl. maarnaanoi /bu/ mother-in-law, liter. husband’s mother

maardaa /vu/, pl. maardai /bu/ father-in-law, liter. husband’s father

maarjisha /ju/, pl. maarjizharii /bu/ sister-in-law, liter. husband’s sister

maarshicha /vu, ju/, pl. maarshichwoi /bu/ husband’s cousin

maarvasha /vu/, pl. maarvezharii /bu/ brother-in-law, liter. husband’s brother

maira /vu/, pl. mairwosh /bu/ husband

meerajwo1 /ju/, pl. meerajwo1arii /bu/ husband’s daughter ‘padcheriica’

meerakhant /vu/, pl. meerakhentii /bu/ husband’s son ‘pasynok’

meerazuda /ju/, pl. meerazudarii /bu/ married woman

miaxcha /vu, ju/, pl. miaxchwoi /bu/ second cousin

naana /ju/, pl. naanwoi /bu/ mother

neeca /ju/, pl. neecar /bu/ child. aunt, liter. mother’s sister

neenadaa /vu/, pl. neenadai /bu/ grandfather, liter. mother’s father

neenajisha /ju/, pl. neenajizharii /bu/ aunt, liter. mother’s sister

neenavasha /vu/, pl. neenavezharii /bu/ uncle, liter. mother’s brother

neenaxuo /vu, ju/, pl. neenaxwoi /bu/ mother’s relative

neennaana /ju/, pl. neennaanwoi /bu/ grandmother, liter. mother’s mother

nuc /vu/, pl. noicarii /bu/ son-in-law

nus /ju/, pl. nesarii /bu/ daughter-in-law

nuskal /du/, pl. nuskalsh /du/ fiancee, bride

qin /ju/, pl. qinaroi /bu/ wife of husband’s brother

qhuutha /du/, pl. qhuotharchii /bu/ bastard

qoochushjerg /ju/, pl. qoochushbersh /bu/ ‘f fourth cousin’

qoochushverg /vu/, pl. qoochushbersh /bu/ ‘m distant relative’

shicha /vu, ju/, pl. shichoi /bu/ cousin

siesag /ju/, pl. siesagash /bu/ wife

stie /ju/, pl. stiesh /bu/ wife

stuechjwo1 /ju/, pl. stuechjwo1arii /bu/ wife’s daughter

stuechkhant /vu/, pl. stuechkhentii /bu/ wife’s son

stujisha /ju/, pl. stujizharii /bu/ wife’s sister

stuncxuo /vu, ju/, pl. stuncxwoi /bu/ wife’s relative

stundaa /vu/, pl. stundai /bu/ father-in-law, leter. wife’s father

stunnaana /ju/, pl. stunnaanoi /bu/ mother-in-law, liter. wife’s mother

stuu /ju/, pl. stuunash /bu/ wife, madonna

stuvasha /vu/, pl. stuvezharii /bu/ wife’s brother

vasha /vu/, pl. vezharii /bu/ brother

veshiibeer, pl. veshiibeerash /bu/ nephew, liter. rother’s child

veshiijwo1 /ju/, pl. veshijwo1arii /bu/ nephew, liter. brother’s daughter;

Also pl. veshiizudbeerash /du/

veshiikhant /vu/, pl. veshiikhentii /bu/ nephew, liter. brother’s son

veshiivwo1 /vu/, pl. veshiiqhwengii /bu/ nephew, liter. brother’s son

vwoxhtar /vu/, pl. vwoxhtarsh /bu/ ‘m third cousin’

vwo1 /vu/, pl. qhwengii /bu/ son

zaaxal /vu, ju/, pl. zaaxalsh /bu/ matchmaker

zamuo /vu, ju/, pl. zamoi /bu/ relative of bridegroom

zhieruo /ju/, pl. zhieruoi /bu/ widow

zuda /ju/, pl. zudarii /bu/ wife; woman

zudabeer /du/, pl. zudabeerash /du/ (little) girl

1uuzha /vu/ heir, vwocchunna vina 1uuzha

Source: Chechen State Institute of Chechen Language
Author: Arbi Vagapov
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